Thursday, May 13, 2010

Quidditch training

I'm just about to rush off to a team meeting to prepare for the upcoming quidditch game against Gryffindor this Sunday. I'll be up against my sister Intarsia. I'm not used to dueling with her, but it should be fun! A little sibling rivalry never hurt anyone.

I've also decided to do my own self-study program. I am determined to get my Spanish skills back to where they used to be so that I can really become truly fluent in the language. I have an opportunity to possibly use my Spanish skills in the muggle world, so that will help me keep refreshed & using the language.
If anyone has any suggestions on online resources, books or apps that might be helpful to dust off the synapses that contain my Spanish language memories I would appreciate your comments. ;)


  1. You want to borrow those Michel Thomas disks on spanish?

  2. I do want to borrow those. Do you have them? I was looking for them the other day.
