i'm so excited about a gift i recently received from intarsia!! it starts with a macbook & ends with a pro! woot!!

(not that i don't still love my little ibook. poor little ibook, i still love you. i just wish you would play videos for me without making everyone stutter & move in slow motion)
LOL you have had that little ibook for too many years.
ReplyDeleteNow you should be able to watch videos. Actually you can probably play video games! OMG that is right I had a game I wanted to share with you but you couldn't play it on the iBook. Ugh what game was it? Now I've forgotten. You can play it without the disk...hmm Sims, Heroes of Might and Magic...ugh what was it? I'll have to dig through my games.
LOL there was a lot I couldn't play on the ibook. That's why I've had your IBM so long cause that's the only way I could play WOW with you & Den.